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Exceptional digital business process automation for supply chains across the world.

Automated Customs Clearance and Trade Finance

Modern demand on global supply chains is at an all-time high and the current manual processes are no longer fit for purpose. Supply chains are grinding to a halt, causing significant issues that affect all of us.


Azarcs Automated Customs Clearance and Trade Finance solution digitizes the manual process. Verathread® removes friction at the border, increases speed & throughput, and reduces costs for the parties involved.


Track and Trace

Businesses and end consumers alike are increasingly demanding the ability to see where an item is at any time or stage of its journey before it gets to them.


Our Verathread® middleware enables you to see where an item is and where it has been from source to end destination. It creates a complete digital audit trail, whether it is for a tomato, plane parts, a computer chip, charcoal, or medicine. Essentially Verathread® can digitally track and trace any commodity.

Last Mile Optimization

Legacy systems and manual processes reduce the ability of supply chains to optimize the flow of goods between critical supply chain points.


Verathread® uses machined learned algorithms to enable final mile delivery optimization with significant results.


Industry 4.0

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR or Industry 4.0) is the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices using modern smart technologies.


Verathread® helps businesses automate the flow of information between systems, machines, suppliers & customers, and loT devices to analyze and diagnose issues in real-time.

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