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Automated Customs
Clearance & Trade Finance

£15B Annual Manual Mess

Supply chain inefficiencies and disparate legacy systems cost businesses hundreds of billions globally each year.


As a result of Brexit, the United Kingdom will have over 200M custom additional custom clearances a year (up from 50M pre-Brexit).


The UK government forecasts an additional £15 Billion in admin costs, with over 50% of clearances also having incorrect paper-based documentation.

Hand drawing a red line between the UK and the rest of the European Union. Concept of Brex

Key Facts

9K Brokers

10,000+ users and intermediaries, including freight suppliers, customs agents, and software providers, are directly affected by Brexit


200,000+ traders currently estimated by HMRC who will make customs declarations for the first time under a new system

Image by Mick Haupt

65% of Fruit & Vegetables

are imported in the UK

The New Post Brexit Process



Fresh Produce Shipping from the EU

Export documents are consolidated into a Single Administrative Document (SAD) and handed over to a Broker

Export documents are consolidated into a Single Administrative Document (SAD) and handed over to a Broker

Fresh Produce Shipping from the EU

Brokers manually create the full declaration and submit it to HMRC and wait for clearance approval.

Goods are cleared immediately using HRMC's simplified declarations by using the EDIR and submitting a supplementary declaration.




Currently 2-4 Additional Days

Brokers and agents are unable to scale to meet trading demands, resulting in truck backups and idle warehouse storage


Pre-clear Customs in Minutes

Azarc's solution can clear goods before they reach the border.

Currently Prohibited

Current broker and agent costs will prevent Fruit and Vegetable companies from the EU from trading with the UK


With Verathread® Affordable

Azarc's solution is all digital, significantly reducing clearance fees.

Currently Days

The trader must contact multiple brokers or agents to validate provenance


With Verathread® Seconds

Azarc provides visibility and traceability through a web portal with full end-to-end data auditing.

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